Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Collective Nouns and Verb Agreement in Spanish

Collective nouns — singular nouns that refer to more than one being or thing — arent consistently treated as either singular or plural in Spanish. Grammar Rules for Using Collective Nouns There is one grammar rule, however, that is clear: When the collective noun  is followed immediately by a verb, the noun is treated as singular. La gente cree que las cosas està ¡n mal. (People believe things are bad).La muchedumbre fue manipulada. (The crowd was manipulated.)Sobre el papel, el equipo era muy competitivo. (On paper, the team was very competitive.) However, when there are words that intervene — especially de followed by a plural noun — Spanish speakers are inconsistent in the verbs they use. Authorities also disagree on which choice of verb is proper. Note the following examples, all found  through a search of mainstream Spanish-language web pages: Somos un grupo de personas que conforma la lista de correo electrà ³nico. (We are a group of people who belong to an email list.)Somos un grupo de personas que deseamos compartir con ustedes. (We are a group of people who wish to share with you.)Un rebaà ±o de nubes negras pasea por el cielo. (A group of dark clouds marches across the sky.)El rebaà ±o de hembras deben integrarse en el de los machos. (The herd of females ought to blend with one of males.)Cerca de la mitad de las personas en edad de jubilacià ³n en el mundo no reciben ningà ºn tipo de pensià ³n. (About half of the worlds people of retirement age will not receive any kind of pension.)La mitad de las empresas espaà ±olas realizarà ¡ on line el 20 por ciento de sus transacciones. (Half of Spanish businesses will carry out 20 percent of their transactions online.)Una docena de chicos se alimenta en el basural. (A dozen children are feeding themselves in the dump.)Una docena de entidades crean una plataforma para im pulsar el laicismo. (A dozen entities are creating a platform to promote expanded use of the laity.) There are some authorities who indicate that the choice of singular or plural verb depends on whether it refers more to the group or to the individual entities that make up the group. But as you can see from the examples above, in real speech no such distinction is made.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Achievement Gap Among Minority Students - 2158 Words

The Achievement Gap among Minority Students The achievement gap in America is at an alarming rate among minority students such as African American, Native American, and Hispanic students. Among their academics, the biggest struggles are in the subject areas of math and reading compared to other nationalities such as Caucasian and Asian peers. This review will focus on whether this bridge of neglect could be identified, researched, implemented, and then corrected before these students reach the middle and/or high school levels. In addition, it will touch on the different matters that contribute to the minority student’s overall being from their home life to school. There are several factors that contribute to this â€Å"gap† in learning among minority students. There were four main factors that were identified as key concepts that were explored and organized during this literature review. The categories focused upon are: (a) contributing factors, (b) demographics, (c) proper education, and (d) how to move forward. Thus, research has proven that there are plenty of factors that contribute to the gap, however these factors will be discussed more in the literature review. Definitions Achievement gap is defined as the differences among test scores compared to minority students and their non-minority peers. â€Å"Differences between the scores of students with different backgrounds (ethnic, racial, gender, disability, and income) are evident on large-scale such as standardized tests†Show MoreRelatedAchievement Gap with Minorities753 Words   |  3 Pagesabout achievement gap is broached, it is often offensive towards minorities. Mainly because it implies that you’re acknowledging the fact that there is and achievement difference among their race and Whites. Personally I have no problem with the term because it is factual. It’s what school officials are not doing to close this gap that i have a problem with The achievement gap is sustained by poor school management and teaching—not other social or cultural factors. In order to close this gap amongRead MoreFactors Contributing to the Poor Education of Minorities754 Words   |  3 Pagesw ondered why minority students consider rhyming and playing basketball more important than receiving a proper education. The theme of my research is to discover why there is such a vast educational achievement gap between minority and Caucasian students. Many Americans are aware that a educational gap exists among today’s students but they do nothing to bring attention to it. This proposal will inform one of alarming statics that are affecting the welfare and future of minority students. For exampleRead MoreEducation1254 Words   |  6 Pageseducation to many of our children, especially minority. It isn’t that the education is not there, but many other things such as , teachers,learning styles, and the culture of the school itself affect a child’s education. African American students at Forest high experience school differently than Whites. For example, many students at school were they are the minority report they feel less connected to school than do their W hite peers; many Black students contend that they are forced to participateRead MoreRecommendation Of Strategic Diversity Plan Essay1735 Words   |  7 Pagescommittee has outlined for the forthcoming school year. The intent of this plan is to create a work environment that is consistent with the communities we serve as well as developing a curriculum that will give our teachers a unique perspective and our students a better education-competitive to our neighboring school districts. 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There has been cry by some parents for the law to be repeal because they feel it is c reating more problem for the educational system. However, critical analysis of the situation of the students grades by comparing the period before and after the establishment of No child left behind will show that the law has brought tremendous improvement in our education and need to stay. Education is the bedrock of any great nation, as a result we cannotRead MoreThe Educational Achievement Gap Between Minorities And Non Minorities1541 Words   |  7 Pagesthe educational achievement gap between minorities and non-minorities. I rather refer to it as the educational debt we as educators owe those students, this study looks at the idea of having more teachers of color in hopes to pay our debt of education back to these minority students. I surveyed over 100 minority students to gauge their attitudes concerning learning, motivation, confidence and much more to see how it differs from their minority teacher class and their non-minority teacher class. IRead MoreThe Achievement Gap Between Hispanic Students And Non-Hispanic896 Words   |  4 PagesThe achievement gap between Hispanic students and non-Hispanic students is alarming due to the high dropout rates and the increasing Hispanic population in the United States. To better understand why Hispanic students dropout ou t of high school it is important to explore the perspectives and experiences of high school dropouts. Examining the root causes of whys Hispanic student’s drop out of high school can assist to improve dropout retention early on. As a significant number of Hispanics continueRead MoreAnalysis Of Closing The Opportunity Gap By Gloria Ladson Billings 201515 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"When we can predict how well students will do in school by looking at their zip code, we know we have a serious systemic problem† (Gloria Ladson-Billings 20). When we are able to forecast how a child will perform by where the child resides, then how can we say that every child is receiving quality education. The unsuccessful educational system infused into the United States is affecting the majority of minorities. In the United States students due to their race and social class, suffer from underfundedRead MoreIn An Attempt To Retain Minorities In Higher Education,1742 Words   |  7 PagesI n an attempt to retain minorities in higher education, efforts of resolving this current issue have met many challenges that have caused decreases in the enrollment of predominantly white institutions. There have been a variety of studies conducted since 2000 to measure the value of higher education including minority attendance and performances. ((NCES,2016:APA,2012;Bischel,2012;; IGI,2017;Tinto2005,2006,2014,: Swail 1999,2008; Kamenetz,2016;USGA, N.D.; GAPS,2015). Most of these occurred in early

Ethical Responsibilities and Considerations in Social Work - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Ethical Responsibilities and Considerations in Social Work. Answer: The professional sphere of the social workers might seem to be very rewarding but at the same time, it is extremely challenging and difficult as there are several responsibilities to address and duties to carry out. The responsibilities are associated with professional norms, social obligations, and ethical considerations. Therefore, it is extremely important to asses those responsibilities in order to develop a proper understanding of what actually the role of a social worker is. The current paper will thoroughly assess the potential responsibilities in order to comprehend the critical aspects mentioned above with particular regards to a specific case. In the outlined case, it can be seen that the reported incident might disrupt the cognitive, social, and emotional development of the three children. Furthermore, it may also have a huge long-term impact on the psychological and emotional dimension of the 13 year old child. As a social worker, one part of the responsibility is showing abilities and creating systems for the individuals to depend on to better their lives and encounters. In this regard, a social worker needs to develop and implement skills related to social perceptiveness, critical thinking, coordination, and judgment and decision-making. Thus, it would be primarily important to verify the claim the of the 13 year old child by monitoring and supervising the other two children closely for the next few days. It will help in assessing what exactly the issue is and thus, the more potential solution can be developed. If the supervising individual finds out that the claim is real and those two children have really engaged in sexual relationships, it would be better to counsel them and provide thorough advice. It would be imperative to hold separate counseling sessions for both of those children and explain to them the hazards of being engaged in a sexual relationship at such young age and in such complex environments from cognitive and emotional dimensions. The children should also be explained how their actions might create a long term impact on the other child's psychology. The ethical considerations also do not permit an individual to interfere in a relationship which has been established by the consent of two engaged individuals. However, as per the tender age and potentially immaturity of the children are concerned, the role of a social worker is to provide them appropriate guidance wherever possible. Therefore, it will also be significant to discuss and address how the children assess their relationship. If it is consensual, even then it would be imperative to know if the relationship is just for physical pleasure or if there is indeed a real intimacy which has driven the relation. Thus, the counseling will be more appropriate. Through a comprehensive discussion and counseling, the issue can be settled as much as possible according to the ethical considerations and if the situation still remains problematic, then there would inevitably be a requirement for removing one of those children to another care home after giving him/her appropriate time to settle the psychological conditions. A successful correspondence, a non-judgmental strategy, establishment of trustworthiness, and keeping up solid connections are vital to empowering a significant change by social workers. The social workers have huge and a wide range of responsibilities surrounded by ethical considerations which require specific skills and attributes to be met properly. In this context, the issues can be most appropriately addressed by the proposed strategies and solutions in order to ensure the benefits and wellbeing of every engaged individual.